A precursor to receiving the affluence that the universe has to offer is an appreciation for things present in your life today. This belief pretty much alludes to the essence of the classic “glass half-full” ideology. But I’m not ignorant of the fact that it’s ‘easier said than done’ to see the good fortune fluent around us at all times.
Generally, I’m a very optimistic person and tend to enjoy life’s subtle bounties. However, as of late one such bounty had eluded me. This discovery once again proved to me that there is ‘always’ something to be thankful for, even amidst the most monotonous of duties. Every day I’m blessed to wake up, I arise and begin my daily routine. As a stay at home/work from home dad, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. After cooking three meals a day at home you can imagine that by the end of the day, my kitchen and sink looks as if I’ve been working as a short order cook at your local pub. The last thing many of us look forward to seeing at the end of the day is a sink full of dishes.
I struggled with the reality that by nature keeping up with the dishes is a never ending chore because every time I cooked and ate a meal I created more work for myself. So with a despondent look on my face and dish detergent ‘on the ready’ I would start this commonplace chore. This time, as I stared into my soapy reflection I felt something different. This sink full of dishes symbolized something very significant and I realized that staring right back at me were unseen riches. For each dirty bowl, spoon, or plate represented a meal that I was fortunate enough to consume, while there are less privileged people in the world whom struggle merely with trying to find food.
I’m quite sure that poverty stricken people around the world would trade their hunger for my dirty dishes. It was this understanding that allowed the overbearing weight and stress caused by picturing a sink full of dirty dishes to be lifted from my consciousness. Who am I to complain about having enough food to feed my family? Now when I look at my sink at the end the day I take a moment, not to sigh in discontent but to thank the universe for providing for me and my family. This just goes to show that sometimes true appreciation can be found by changing your perspective of the simple things in life.
Generally, I’m a very optimistic person and tend to enjoy life’s subtle bounties. However, as of late one such bounty had eluded me. This discovery once again proved to me that there is ‘always’ something to be thankful for, even amidst the most monotonous of duties. Every day I’m blessed to wake up, I arise and begin my daily routine. As a stay at home/work from home dad, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. After cooking three meals a day at home you can imagine that by the end of the day, my kitchen and sink looks as if I’ve been working as a short order cook at your local pub. The last thing many of us look forward to seeing at the end of the day is a sink full of dishes.
I struggled with the reality that by nature keeping up with the dishes is a never ending chore because every time I cooked and ate a meal I created more work for myself. So with a despondent look on my face and dish detergent ‘on the ready’ I would start this commonplace chore. This time, as I stared into my soapy reflection I felt something different. This sink full of dishes symbolized something very significant and I realized that staring right back at me were unseen riches. For each dirty bowl, spoon, or plate represented a meal that I was fortunate enough to consume, while there are less privileged people in the world whom struggle merely with trying to find food.
I’m quite sure that poverty stricken people around the world would trade their hunger for my dirty dishes. It was this understanding that allowed the overbearing weight and stress caused by picturing a sink full of dirty dishes to be lifted from my consciousness. Who am I to complain about having enough food to feed my family? Now when I look at my sink at the end the day I take a moment, not to sigh in discontent but to thank the universe for providing for me and my family. This just goes to show that sometimes true appreciation can be found by changing your perspective of the simple things in life.